The following are brief descriptions of current sessions offered:

Educational Leadership

Becoming an Educational Leader: Interested in educational leadership, growing leaders from within, or moving up the ranks? This session will prepare participants for the role through a holistic and authentic evaluation of one’s self. There will be an interactive deep dive into best practices and current research on educational leadership. Personal goal setting and planning will take place. The result? An exceptional educator focused on becoming a successful educational leader.

Shining a Light on Classroom Leadership: Are you a well-developed classroom leader? This session is guaranteed to provide lightbulb moments pertaining to one’s role while exploring self-awareness, character, and the ability to effectively reflect. Using this information, there will be an interactive deep dive into an authentic, research-based system that allows participants to create a safe and welcoming environment focused on positive relationships, norms and expectations, and impactful instruction. The result? An exceptional educator concentrating on culture, quality teaching, and lifelong learning to move forward.

Quality Classroom Management: Looking to positively change your educational environment and operations? Here are the skills, tools, and resources needed to transform EVERY classroom into one that is encouraging, empowering, and exceptional. Classroom management agendas, self-control strategies, student-teacher relationships, rules and procedures, successfully responding to challenges, and classroom ecology/arrangement will be discussed.

The Importance of Building Positive Relationships in the Classroom: Do you really know your students and how to teach them? This session will take a deep dive into the science, psychology, and strategies of building relationships and how understanding the value of this element leads to high-performing classrooms. Participants will be shown the light at the end of the educational tunnel and use it to develop a growth mindset capable of transforming the way they teach and learn.

Laptop Gifted and Talented Education

Unlocking Genius: Meeting the Needs of the Gifted: What does it mean to be gifted? This session will explore a special population of students known as gifted and talented. Aspects of giftedness, identification tools, curriculum/instruction, and best practices will be examined to determine what educators can do to properly support these individuals.

Combating Underachievement in the Gifted and Talented: Have you encountered a gifted underachiever? This session will take advocates of gifted learners on a research-based, deep dive into underachievement through understanding, identifying, supporting, and combating a problem that affects more than fifty percent of gifted students.


Encouragement. Empowerment. Excellence.

Brianne Hudak, Educational Consultant

Brianne Hudak, Educational Consultant